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Anticimex SMART Pest Control for Your Home | American Pest

Date: February 14, 2022
Tags: Innovation, Mice, Rats, Rodents, Smart
Categories: Education
Reading Time: 5 min

Old school rodent traps have been the cornerstone of pest control for decades but as technology advances so should intelligent rodent control.

From the distinct sound of a trap activating to the daunting task of collecting successful catches, this experience has traumatized many. Anticimex SMART is shifting the old paradigm of pest remediation, with major advances in technology.

Our game-changing technology is here to reinvent the industry with non-invasive, non-toxic, hands-free monitoring.

Anticimex SMART is not just a mousetrap, it’s a system. An intelligent, electronic, rodent control system unlike anything currently on the market in United States.

Our system operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year providing you with continuous peace of mind. By constantly monitoring and instantly reacting, it prevents costly infestations in an eco-friendly way.

Our team tracks pest activity in real-time so we’ll know before you do.

Whether it’s rodents on the interior or exterior of your home, Anticimex SMART devices use heat and motion sensors to track activity and catch rodents without the use of toxic baits. Each type of device is engineered to prevent infiltrations with around-the-clock monitoring and control.

Our SMART devices speak to each other via the built-in cellular network technology WITHOUT the use of cameras, sending critical information regarding activity and catches to a central data hub and to your pest professional so there is no need to contact us.

The Future Is NOW

Anticimex SMART technology system is comprised of Smart Connect Minis, Smart Connect Eyes, and Smart Snaps all communicating with each other and then back to headquarters.

The system determines where mouse pressure is high, allowing our pest professionals to effectively place the Smart Snaps.

When a Smart Snap is activated, it reports back so our team will know when and where to empty and reset.

With innovative SMART technology from Anticimex, you never have to think about rodents in your homes, much less the daunting task of removing one from a DIY electronic or traditional trap.

The SMART Advantage

The data generated from SMART technology gives our team the best weapon against rodents -KNOWLEDGE.

Upon entering a home, we know exactly where the pest presence is most concentrated.

We combine this information with traditional pest control training, effectively placing Smart Eyes and Snaps where the pests visit.

You now have an environmentally-friendly solution in your home that is constantly monitoring rodent activity and communicating the data back to headquarters.There’s no guesswork involved… just solid data.

Sart Control Features

Intelligent Pest Control Arrives in North America

Anticimex SMART technology might be new to the United States, but it’s a tried-and-true rodent control solution around the world.

Our SMART systems have been installed worldwide with countless successful testimonials.

The proprietary Anticimex SMART technology is used exclusively by Anticimex companies in the United States.You can add the SMART system to your home or in addition to your traditional pest control protocol making you one of the first in the nation to take advantage of this cutting-edge technology.

The SMART Devices

SMART Connect Mini

The SMART system begins with the SMART Connect Mini which communicates wirelessly via a mesh network. Up to 200 devices can be attached to the Connect Mini so no matter the size of your home we’ve got you covered.

SMART Eye Mini

Next up is the SMART Eye Mini sensors, which are waterproof and dustproof devices that can be placed on walls, in attics, under sinks, in crawlspaces, and anywhere else that fits your home’s needs.

The Eye Mini can detect rodents up to 6.5 feet away. SMART Eye Mini will also be useful in tracking rat and other pest activity in hard to reach places.

When used in attics or alongside traditional prevention methods, the SMART Eye Mini will give your pest professional insight into rodent activity in attics and bait boxes that could otherwise go unnoticed. 


Finally, there is the SMART Snap, which is watertight, dustproof and can safely be placed in wet, humid, and dusty environments.

With our SMART Snap we can see the exact location of the catch, including a timestamp. Not only does the SMART Snap catch rodents, it’s leak-sensor can notify if water levels are rising.

This is especially useful in basements or under the sink. Never worry about replacing the battery with a lifetime of up to 5 years, this means very little need for servicing.

It’s Time to Get SMART

Anticimex SMART is an intelligent, environmentally-friendly pest control system that keeps an eye on pests, so you don’t have to.

It predicts and prevents costly infestations in your home and gives our team the eyes and ears when we can’t be there.

SMART technology gives you the peace of mind to store valuables anywhere in your home without worry of damage.

With so many technology-enhanced aspects of our lives, why not smart pest control?

24-Hour Monitoring, 24-Hour Support, 24/7 Mouse Prevention. Now that’s SMART.

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