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Early Spring Blossoms That May Attract Bees

Date: March 16, 2022
Tags: Stinging Insects
Categories: Education
Reading Time: 4 min

According to the calendar, spring is now officially upon us. However, with winter hanging on so tenaciously, it might take an extra bit of ingenuity and assistance to really bring the fresh feeling of spring into fruition. Nothing is so adept to changing emotions and happy feelings than the beautiful blossoming of spring flowers.

Selectively choosing flowers that are early spring bloomers can put a bounce in your step after such a long, dreary winter. And don’t forget those natural pollinators when selecting your flowers.

Attracting bees to your garden is essential to the beauty, health, and wellbeing of your flower gardens with their natural pollination techniques.

There are actually several choices of plants that will introduce those fresh spring blossoms and cause bees to visit your yard early in the season.

Your choices can be comprised of a selection of blooming bulbs, perennials, and even some blooming shrubs, all of which create beautiful landscaping indigenous to attracting those much-needed bees.

When it comes to early spring perennial flowers, the Virginia bluebell is always a favorite. Creeping phlox comes in a variety of colors and also gives a beautiful touch to your landscaping.

Other perennial choices could include marsh marigolds and heartleaf brunnera plants. Brunnera plants do well in shady areas of your garden and produce some of the prettiest little blooms surrounded by their heart-shaped leaves. While there are several other early-blooming perennials, don’t leave out the Lenten Rose.

They are really not roses but derive their name from the rose-shaped appearance of the Lenten rose blooms. The Lenten rose blooms early in spring and is an attractive plant whose splash of color will draw bees to your garden.

Even though the rewards are very gratifying, producing spring blossoms from bulbs requires careful pre-planning. There is the snowdrop whose bulb needs to be planted in the fall of the year while the crested iris can be planted in the fall or early spring.

These miniature irises are a precursor to most other spring flowers and create a beautiful array of color each spring. Crocus, hyacinths, winter aconite, and fritillaria are some additional choices of bulbs to consider, all of which add an early beauty to your garden while attracting those pollinating bees.

Don’t forget to add a selection of flowering shrubs to assist in attracting bees to your yard while enhancing the beauty of a well-landscaped garden. Forsythia bush can bring a brilliant burst of yellow blossoms very early in the spring.

Even though the forsythia requires very little care, it should be planted in an area of the yard that gives full sun for optimal blossoming. There are many other choices of flowering shrubs from which to select.

Star magnolia, spiraea, spicebush, dogwood, witch hazel, and Japanese pussy willow will all give you the early spring blossoms needed to attract bees to your garden while making a dramatic addition to the beauty of your property.

One last note, bees are beneficial but encounters with them, specifically, their stinging end, can turn these helpful insects into pests. If you’ve discovered a bee’s nest in or around your home and find that it is putting your family at risk, give us a call.

Our Northern Virginia pest control professionals have the tools and knowledge to help you resolve your stinging insect problem

One last note, bees are beneficial but encounters with them, specifically, their stinging end can turn these helpful insects into pests. If you’ve discovered a bee’s nest in or around your home and find that it is putting your family at risk, give us a call.

Our Northern Virginia pest control professionals have the tools and knowledge to help you resolve your stinging insect problem.

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