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Flies Insect Pest Identification

What is a fly?

Flies are insects of the order ‘Diptera’ and have a single pair of wings. Of the many types of flies, the three most encountered by American Pest are:

Blow Fly or Bottle Fly 

Adults are about 1/8-5/8 of an inch (4-16 mm) long, the size of a house fly, or slightly larger. Mature larvae are about 3/8-7/8 of an inch (9-22 mm) long. They have sponging mouthparts; antennae are feathery, at least on the bottom two thirds. Larvae are eyeless, legless, tapered from large, rounded rear segment to head, which is a pair of dark hooks. Adults are partly or wholly metallic blue, green, or dull brassy, sometimes black. Larvae are pale yellow to white.

Fruit Flies

Small fruit fly and vinegar fly adults are about 1/8 of an inch (3-4 mm) long, including wings. Adult small fruit flies have antenna with a feathery bristle; wings with thickened front margins, intersected in two places. Mature larvae are about 1/4-3/8 of an inch (7-8 mm) long, eyeless, legless and tapered from large rounded rear to the pair of dark mouth hooks at the “head” end. Adults are dull tan to brownish yellow or brownish black; eyes usually bright red. Larvae are nearly white, except mouth hooks which are black and the tips of the abdominal breathing pores which are yellowish.

House Flies

House fly adult is about 1/8-1/4 of an inch (4-7.5 mm) long, female larger than male. Mature larva is about 1/4-3/8 of an inch long (7-10mm). Adult face has 2 velvety strips, silver above and gold below; thorax has 4 narrow stripes; no pale spot behind head or rear tip of thorax; sides of abdomen usually pale; sponging mouth parts. Larva is eyeless, legless, tapered from rear to head, which is a pair of dark hooks. Adult is dull gray. Larva is cream colored and greasy looking.

Cluster Flies 

Adult cluster flies, which are a little larger than common house flies range in size from 3/8th to 1/2 an inch long.  They are black with short, yellow hairs on their thorax and wings that overlap while resting. The eggs and larvae of cluster flies are very rarely seen as they are deposited into the soil near earthworm burrows.  The larvae then feed on the earthworms.  

Cluster flies are considered a nuisance pest as they survive the winter by hibernating inside wall voids and attics inside our homes and other buildings. They enter through cracks in the foundation, attic vents, gaps in exterior siding and other small openings in the fall when the temperatures begin to drop.  They are primarily dormant over the winter, but may emerge on warm, sunny winter days when some of the flies may become active.

Drain Fly

Drain flies, also known as moth flies, range from 1/5th to 1/6th of an inch in length.  They are dark or grayish in color and under hand-held magnification drain flies are seen to have a fuzzy, hair-like covered body with large, horizontal wings.  Drain flies make poor fliers.  They have a short, frenzied flight path and are only able to cover a few feet at best.  Drain flies lay their eggs in the moist, organic matter that accumulates inside of drains, in overflow pipes and garbage disposals.  The larvae are approximately 3/8th of an inch long, legless and wormlike.  Although drain flies do not bite, they may become a nuisance as their populations grow.

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Frequently Asked Questions

As with the majority of pests, flies are looking for a source of food and a safe place to breed and live. The type of food preferred depends upon the species of fly, but may include:

  • Meat; animal carcasses, especially those of birds and other small animals
  • Excrement
  • Decaying vegetation
  • Garbage
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables such as bananas, grapes, peaches, pineapples, tomatoes
  • Fermenting liquids, such as beer, cider, vinegar and wine

Yes. Many flies liquefy solid foods by regurgitation, thus contaminating food and spreading disease.

Controlling flies in and around your property can be a difficult task and unless all traces of their food source and breeding areas are removed, they can very quickly re-infest. Calling American Pest is the sure-fire way to efficiently remove pest problems and prevent them from coming back.

While there are some do-it-yourself fly control products on the market, they are generally ineffective unless proper and continued maintenance is carried out. It is worth remembering that if chemicals are used in do-it-yourself pest control, they can be dangerous to humans and pets if mixed or used improperly.

At American Pest, we strive to give our customers a rapid, efficient service and make every effort to be with you the same or very next day.

All products used by American Pest must have first been thoroughly checked by the EPA and registered for pest control use. Only then can they be considered for use by our highly trained pest control professionals. You can be assured that pest control services provided by American Pest will not cause any harm to humans or pets.

Preventing flies can be a very difficult task due to their wide variety of food sources and breeding sites. Should your property or pets become infested by flies, your first call should be to American Pest. We are committed to improving the quality of life for all of our customers by providing the safest and most effective treatment for the management of pests which pose a threat to their health, property and food supply.

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“I called American Pest because of an ant problem but they wound up treating so much more. Great conversation with the main office and the tech who came to the house was incredibly punctual, courteous, extremely knowledgeable/excited about his work. Happy to say I no longer share the house with ants or any other insects!”

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“Excellent service!! Our rep was great, answered all our questions, and explained things well. Had a lot of spiders and other crawlers; nothing since our service!! Would highly recommend!!”

L. HernandezRichmond, VA

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