What You Should Do During a Termite Swarm

Now that you’ve identified that you’re experiencing a termite swarm in your home, follow these important steps to ensure a speedy resolution.
Don’t spray the swarming termite
Swarming termites are the key to where the colony is active.
Instead, calmly and visually inspect for where the swarmers might be entering. Mark any areas with tape. Swarming termites cannot bite or sting and are incapable of causing any harm to you, your children, or your pets.
Do not remove or open walls
It’s crucial to not remove or open walls, flooring, or baseboards and do not prod trim or sills in an attempt to find termite damage.
We promise you this is sound and very important advice that will aid in the treatment of termites in your home. Inspecting and isolating damaged areas will come up after you’ve received treatment.
Do vacuum up the termite swarmers that you see.
Simply dispose of the bag or remove the contents of your canister vacuum when you’re finished.
Do inspect the exterior of the home too
Consider the area(s) where you’ve discovered the termite swarm and go directly to the place that is exterior from that area (if you can). Do not, however, risk injury to yourself. If you are able to do so, you’ll want to mark these areas with tape as well.
If you discover a termite swarm outside of normal business hours, we recommend that you continue to vacuum any new swarmers that appear over the next 24 hours.
While a termite swarm is an indicator of a problem, substantial damage from termites doesn’t happen overnight.
You’ve got time to contact us for an inspection and to learn more about the types of termite treatments that are available to you.
Our termite professionals are happy to work you through a termite swarm and how to choose the termite treatment that’s best for you. We have entomologists and professional pest control technicians who can help you identify termite vs ants and eliminate your pest problems.
No matter how severe an infestation we offer environmentally-friendly pest control solutions for termites, ants and other nuisance and damaging pests.
If real estate agents are needing a termite inspection, contact us here.
For home pest control in Maryland, Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia call 833) 625-4525 or send us a message and we’ll get back to you straight away!
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