Spider Crickets: The Bugs You Don’t Want In Your House

As summer temperatures begin to drop and we begin to enjoy the cozy fall temperatures, spider crickets become a common issue for homeowners int he D.C. area.
However, they are also commonly referred to as cave crickets or camel crickets.
On top of that, some people mistake them for jumping spiders because they look like wolf spiders with a humpback from a distance and they can jump up to 3 feet high when threatened. While many people think these nuisance pests are nothing to worry about, you may be surprised what they can do.
Why You Don’t Want Spider Crickets In Your Home
These spider crickets that are commonly found in the East don’t attract mates with chirping sounds like many cricket species do. However, that doesn’t mean you should welcome them into your home. Here are a few reasons why:
- They gather in large numbers
- With a large infestation, fecal matter may be smeared across surfaces around your home.
- Crickets that enter homes in the fall can be storing eggs to hatch in the spring.
- They have been known to damage clothing and other fabric materials.
Do Spider Crickets Bite?
Spider Crickets are omnivores, meaning they feed on fabrics, fungus, fibers, wood, cardboard, plants, and more.
While they don’t have fangs or the ability to bite, they do have chewing mouthparts called mandibles. Therefore, they cannot bite humans.
However, many have claimed and believed that these jumping crickets can chew if they land on the skin. This chewing or gnawing is not harmful and is described as a nuisance instead of painful.
No one wants to deal with cricket infestation in their basement, utility room, crawl space, garage, or attic.
Even if one cricket has managed to get into your home, that means others can, maybe even the ones that do make loud chirping noises!
If you believe that your home is at risk of inviting spider crickets or any other pests indoors, contact American Pest and have them come to inspect your property. Their pest professionals are trained to know the signs of an infestation, how to find entry points, and stop pests from entering in the future.
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