Warning Signs of Termites Infestation

Pests can be sneaky creatures. Mice can squeeze in through a crack and get into pantry items. Cockroaches can sneak in through vents and spread disease-causing bacteria. And spiders can invade and leave webs in the corners of rooms.
But termites are the sneakiest creatures of all.
While the above-mentioned pests leave signs of their presence, termites often leave no visible signs and can go for years, or even decades, eating away at the wood of a home, completely undetected. But there are signs that termites leave behind, if you know what to look for and where to look.
It is imperative for homeowners to know the signs showing that termites have infested, because it could save hundreds, or thousands, in costly repairs down the road.
Termites in the United States cost U.S. property owners over $5 billion each year, which is more than all natural disasters combined.
If left to their devices, termites can eat away at the wood of a home, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, without ever sleeping, and without ever taking a break.
Over time, this kind of infestation can lead to bulging walls and floors, doors and windows that refuse to open or close, and wood that becomes unsafe to walk on.
The following is a list of early signs you can look for, in order to avoid extensive damage to your home and your equity.
8 Warning Signs of Termites Infestation
1. Termites in your yard or on your property
If you have rotting stumps or other forms of decaying wood outside your home, do an inspection for the presence of termites.
If you break off part of a stump and see a mass of little white things that resemble ants, you are likely looking at termite workers.
And if termites are nearby to your home, there is a chance they have found their way inside your walls and other wooden areas of your structure.
Termite workers can travel as much as the length of a football field in search of food.
2. Termite damage on the outside of your home
If you have places on the outside of your home where the wood touches the soil (especially if it is in a moist, shady spot) look there for evidence of termite activity.
If the wood looks like it has been attacked by carving knives and the troughs are rough to the touch, you can be relatively sure termites have been at work in that location.
Galleries made by carpenter ants, another wood-destroying pest, will be smooth.
3. Translucent, shed insect wings
While shed wings can be indicative of a flying ant swarm, those wings could be termite swarmer wings.
When a termite colony is mature, it will send out termite reproductives, also called alates or termite swarmers, to start new colonies.
If termite swarmers have come and gone, you may find their shed wings in places such as on window sills, on decks or patios, on foundation walls, or even caught in spider webs.
4. Termite swarmers
It is rare to actually see termite swarmers since they only appear once or twice a year, and only for around 1/2 an hour.
But if you do see these on the outside of your home, you can be assured there is a mature colony close by, and maybe even inside your structure.
If you see these swarmers inside your home, this is a sure sign you already have an active termite infestation.
5. Mud shelter tubes
These are tubes that worker termites build from the soil to the wood in order to shelter themselves from the harmful effects of the sun and air.
These are most often found in hidden, shady spots on foundations or crawl space cement blocks.
Sometimes they are even built up through concrete blocks, making them even more difficult to spot.
6. Noises inside walls
If there is a location on your home that is infested with termites, you may be able to hear noises if you have great hearing, or you use a stethoscope.
The noises you may hear come from soldier termites banging their heads against the walls to signal danger. It will sound like a faint clicking noise.
If soldiers do not perceive danger, you won’t hear anything at all.
7. Stuck Windows or Doors
Termites can do a lot of damage to your home, and they often start by targeting easy-to reach places like windows or door frames.
As these areas are eaten through the wood until there is no more support for it:
You’ll notice that opening/closing becomes difficult due either because too much force needs applied at one point on an object which has lost its strength as well as swelling up near small gaps between boards where moisture seeps in leading towards rot.
8. Termite Droppings
Termite droppings are another sign that termites may be at work.
As these creatures eat through the wood, they digest it and push out of their colony in order to avoid buildup on what you see before your eyes – which can sometimes look like dust or shavings when seen up close!
When Should I Call a Professional About Termites?
There are many DIY measures that are rumored to help you avoid a termite infestation.
However, these methods are time-consuming, messy, dangerous, and fall short of getting rid of every single termite in every single colony and satellite colony that they have created.
So, when should I call a professional about termites? Long before you experience any termites or termite damage is preferable.
However, whether you have a current infestation, want to know if you have an infestation, or you just want to prevent them, you should call on American Pest. That way all of the termites are eliminated and they won’t bother you again.
Through the use of the Sentricon® System with Always Active™, we will put an end to termites and prevent them altogether.
In the meantime, watch for flying termite swarms, sawdust and feces piles underneath wooden items, clicking sounds in your walls, tiny holes in your drywall, hollow sounding wood, and mud tunnels in and around your basement and foundation.
Of course, prevention is a better way to avoid termite damage, but if you see any of these signs in and around your home, you should contact us right away to put an end to termite activity in your home.
Why Year-Round Termite Prevention Is So Important
Termites are a multi-billion dollar problem for property owners here in the United States and termite damage is rarely covered by insurance companies because insurance companies consider termite damage preventable with routine maintenance.
The problem is that most homeowners do not have the training to apply this maintenance effectively.
But, when trusted products are applied by a certified professional, termites are no threat at all.
If you need termite protection for your home, American Pest can help. One of our certified termite control technicians can guide you in choosing the best termite treatment option for your needs.
For real estate agents wanting a termite inspection, contact us here. And, if you’re currently dealing with an infestation, we’ll help you get back to being termite-free. Give us a call to learn more.
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