1. Dodging back-to-school bugs? Tips to combat pest infestations both inside and outside the classroom

AUGUST 22 2024 /

Dodging back-to-school bugs? Tips to combat pest infestations both inside and outside the classroom

With summer break coming to an end, it is the time of year when students, teachers, and parents are preparing for back-to-school season. And while optimism surrounding new classes and schedules is at an all-time high, so is the likelihood that pesky new classmates, like rodentsbed bugs, and other pests, might creep their way into your belongings.

Large crowds of students convening in small public spaces make it ten times easier for pests such as ants, cockroaches, and bed bugs to hitchhike rides from person to person or, in this case, backpack to backpack. American Pest's experts did our homework (pun intended) and put together a few tips to combat “back-to-school” pests from making their way into your home and belongings this fall!

Tips to combat pest infestations both inside and outside the classroom

1. An Apple a Day Won’t Keep the Ants Away…Use Food Storage Containers

The lunchboxes students and teachers carry into the classroom could be the gateway to a possible pest infestation, especially when food isn’t concealed and stored away properly (via plastic, resealable storage containers, metal tins, etc.). Ants are one of the most common back-to-school pests because they are so tiny and can easily find their way into the smallest cracks and crevices. These pests are constantly searching for food, which makes any crumbs left behind in a lunch box the perfect, accessible snack!

2. Sealing Entry Points Within the Classroom Can Help Safeguard Against Mice

While we hope that your back-to-school experience is rodent-free, critters and mice are creative and can find numerous ways to sneak into the classroom (or worse, students’ lockers!). To avoid sightings of mouse droppings, mouse-damaged school supplies, or squeaky or scratching noises within classrooms, it is essential to inspect all cracks and openings in walls, doors, and even windows to prevent mice from making their way into the school building.

Rodents roaming throughout the hallways and classrooms can cause several issues including health hazards, damage to classroom supplies, and psychological distress for both students and staff. Partnering with a pest control expert ensures that rodent infestation management is conducted correctly. Our experts can identify prime pest entry points such as the food service loading dock, cafeterias, student locker rooms, or any other areas with structural weaknesses that pests could exploit and can provide methods to curb the problems.

3. Proper Waste Management (inside and outside) of the School is Key to Mitigating Pests Infestations

Disposing of garbage and waste regularly throughout school buildings and even as a best practice for students before dismissal can help avoid pest infestations. While administrators can do their due diligence in ensuring dumpsters and food disposal bins are placed away from buildings and are cleaned frequently to minimize pest attraction, staff and students can play their part by thoroughly cleaning any spills or crumbs that occur throughout the school day.

Other preventative pest control measures that are easy to implement and can improve the overall cleanliness and maintenance of school buildings include:

  • Identify best practices for cleaning and sanitation measures
  • Prohibit eating food outside of the school cafeteria
  • Encourage students to report any signs of pests or rodent activity to a teacher or supervisor
  • Repair leaking pipes and seal cracks and openings throughout the building
  • Educate students and staff on the importance of keeping food service areas, break rooms, and locker rooms tidy
  • Clean gutters to better direct water flow away from buildings to avoid saturation and moisture that draws pests

The easiest way to achieve a pest-free school year is to implement preventative measures early. If you’ve noticed or had reports of increased pest activity, then it may be time to consult a pest control expert or licensed professional in your local area. Learn more about ridding your school or home of unwanted pests by contacting American Pest at https://americanpest.net/contact-us/.