1. Prevention Tips to Keep Your Home Pest-Free this Halloween Season


Prevention Tips to Keep Your Home Pest-Free this Halloween Season

Spooky season is upon us, and there’s nothing worse than the scare of real-life critters invading your home.

The weeks leading up to Halloween are a time when critters find ways into the cracks of your home seeking shelter and warmth. Other pests—such as springtails, stink bugs, and box elder bugs—participate in a process called overwintering, when they hide from the cold and hibernate until warmer weather returns.

To prevent your trick-or-treating night from turning into a Halloween nightmare, the experts at American Pest have compiled a list of common household critters you might encounter this fall and the best ways to avoid attracting them to your home.

Best Practices for Eliminating Spiders

Eight-legged monsters and faux cobwebs might add a spooky ambiance when transforming your home into a graveyard or haunted mansion, but real spiders are not to be joked about.

Spiders can be a real nuisance if they lay eggs and multiply, and their bites can be dangerous. Some household items, such as indoor plants that hold moisture, can attract spiders of all shapes and sizes. Other items like Halloween decorations and costumes stored in the attic year-round may collect dust and create room for pests to hide.

Our Pro Tip: Declutter your attic, garage, and basement to eliminate hiding spots, and inspect the dark corners of your house to get rid of dust or dirt. To eliminate these same hassles next year, consider storing your decor and trinkets in a sealed plastic box.

While these are things you can do to protect yourself and your family from spiders, there are many circumstances best left to a professional pest control company. Professional pest control companies have the expertise and tools to identify and eliminate pest infestations, and can provide long-term prevention strategies. Don't hesitate to call us if you notice excessive webs, increased spiders and egg sacs, and venomous breeds.

How to prevent rodents from entering your home  

You might wonder where mice typically hide during the winter months. Rodents can invade your home during any season, but they are more likely to make their way inside when the temperature drops or when the conditions outside become otherwise unfavorable.

There are multiple entry points for rodents because they don't need a large opening. Mice usually target windows, door frames, and gaps around ground-floor plumbing to make their way in. Rats, on the other hand, rely on roof gaps and higher entry points to barge inside.

Our Pro Tip: Similar to our advice on eliminating spiders, you should declutter your space before filling it up with Halloween and Fall decorations. Conduct an inspection by looking for tiny cracks in your home. Do-it-yourself remedies for rodent infestation often fail because it's hard to eliminate them once they're inside. So, if you notice any sightings of droppings or other indications of mice, contact us immediately.

Keeping cockroaches from invading your home

Large cockroaches are potentially the creepiest of crawlers. These cold-blooded insects tend to die off in the winter, and they try very hard to invade your home for warmth.

Housing cockroaches in your home can cause legitimate health issues for you and your family. These pests rapidly spread bacteria and can be an allergen source or asthma trigger.

Our Pro Tip: Clutter, leftover foods, and moisture are some attractive features for these pests. Eliminating these factors in your home is a great first step to preventing them. If you've already reached a point of invasion, it’s important that you partner with a professional pest control company. We’ll eliminate the current infestation, provide long-term prevention strategies, and save you time and effort.

Other preventive measures for a pest-free Halloween

Consider a few additional preventative measures. Carved pumpkins can become pest magnets, especially as they begin to decay after being cut open. Wait just a few days before Halloween to carve your pumpkins to prevent your jack-o-lanterns from generating too much moisture.

Install yellow-hued LED lights around your porch to prevent bugs from showing up at your doorstep. Some studies have shown insects are less attracted to yellow light, making your house less inviting to unwanted guests.

By following these prevention tips to keep your home pest-free this Halloween, you can create a safe environment for you, your family, and trick-or-treaters. Keep in mind that these do-it-yourself approaches won't work if your home is already at the point of infestation.

If you want to eliminate these ghostly critters, call us directly and get an estimate today.