• Open and serving the community since 1925
  • Safe EPA-approved green pest control solutions for over 30+ types of pests
  • Call for a free estimate today

Why choose American Pest’s pest professionals for Fort Belvoir, VA

Fort Belvoir has played a central role in the history of Fairfax County, and thus the history of Virginia as a whole, and we’re proud to be serving you in the Fort Belvoir area with professional pest control services from American Pest. When you choose pest control service from American Pest, we aren’t just going to get rid of your pest problem and make sure it stays away, but we’ll bring you the most professional pest control as well.

That’s why while other pest management services have exterminators, we have pest professionals who are trained in our latest Integrated Pest Management solutions. These solutions are EPA-approved and accredited by the NPMA to be safe for humans and pets while still eliminating the pests they target.

American Pest’s Pest-Free Guarantee for Fort Belvoir

We serve Fort Belvoir and surrounding areas

Serving Communities Throughout the Fort Belvoir Area

Zip Codes

20002, 20007, 20008, 20011, 20012, 20016, 20018, 20019, 20020, 20030, 20032, 20057, 20059, 20070, 20105,

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CALL 301-232-5845

Year-Round Pest Control for your Home in Fort Belvoir, VA

At American Pest, we offer you this kind of high-quality preventative pest control services year-round. Even if you can’t see them at certain times of the year, pests are active year-round too: breeding and feeding, passing diseases between one another, and scratching and biting their way through your property. These creatures are rarely solitary, and if you can see one there’s likely a larger group still left unseen.

Don’t wait for a small pest problem to grow into a larger one, and the sooner you call us at American Pest, the sooner we can help you figure out the right solution to your pest problem. We’re ready at the first signs of trouble, and through smart, safe, pest control, we can stop not just the pest problem itself but the kind of structural damage and health concerns an uncontrolled pest population can also cause.